You can save a lot of time if you set up your bank defaults before you start to enter information in Sage Accounts, as these automatically apply to any new records you create.
You can also choose to link electronically to your bank account with the e-Banking features.
Enable e-Banking |
This check box activates the E Payment and E Reconcile options in the Bank Accounts window. |
Group items in Bank Rec. |
Select this to group consecutive transactions when:
List Invoice/Credit by item line |
Select this to show each item line on invoices in the Customer Receipts and Supplier Payments windows. |
Create Bank Reconciliation PDF |
Select this to generate a PDF report when you reconcile a bank account. |
No Warning on Visa receipts |
When you enter a receipt on a credit card account that is not a credit card receipts account, a warning appears to advise you
that the account is for payments only. |
Group Bank Transactions |
Select this to group bank payments and bank receipts, which have the same reference and date in the bank activity. Note: This does not work retrospectively. If you change this check box, it only affects transactions that you post after you change the setting. |
Always Create Remittance |
Select this check box to create a remittance
advice note each time you save a supplier payment. |
Bank A/C |
From the drop-down list, choose a default cash register bank account. By default, this is 1235. Once you post transactions to this bank account you cannot change this setting. |
Sales nominal |
From the drop-down list, choose a default sales nominal code for your cash register. By default, this is 4000. |
Tax code |
From the drop-down list, choose the default tax code to apply to all cash register sales that you enter on the cash register account. |
Discrepancies |
From the drop-down list, choose a default nominal code for any discrepancies. Sage uses this nominal code to account for any discrepancy found between the cash register total and the money total recorded or banked. By default, this is 8206. |
Takings are VAT inclusive |
If your cash register takings are all VAT inclusive, select this check box. |